Monday, February 2, 2009

Multiview Mfc Application Has Stopped Working

The President's agenda is imposed on the Right to Education Gloria

suddenly suspend classes throughout the country reflects disdain for the fulfillment of educational goals and is a great improvisation.

(Caracas 02/02/2009) .- The imposing memorial is not due to any date under the existing provisions. If the president wants to hold a special meeting or give a message to the country can do, but can not impose on society commemorate a date that stands a mere democracy, the beginning of a government management. The national holidays are determined. We are faced with an improvisation that lacks consensus in society. Actions like this remind Week celebrations as the country in which the dictator Pérez Jimenez became a personal milestone in national date.

not for us to assess whether there is something to celebrate on Feb. 2, for these 10 years of rule by a president. Ten years in the state of education in Venezuela did not respond to the aspirations of the citizenry. If I had something to celebrate on education is inconsistent with the commemoration day suspension of classes. Suspend classes reflects disdain, disinterest and lack of commitment to educational goals. The right to education must always be above individual interests.

The message to our children
The National Executive is telling our children that classes may be suspended in an arbitrary manner, that education is not the most important, that the planning of the school year is subject to the vagaries of official duty.

The school year is at risk
6.8 million children are out of the classroom today. Added to this are the countless days lost for other reasons. The late start of activities in the public schools and the suspension of classes because of the regional elections have committed the school year. In some government schools the actual days of class does not reach 30.

The National Executive must act on behalf of education
The worst is yet to come. Because any electoral event, the education office has suspended classes in all schools, whether or not polling places several days before and even several days after the vote. The impact on the education of our children is highly negative. Is a contradiction, that the same ultimate responsibility for ordering the cessation education school mass, may be confined to campuses that are polling places and reduce the days of cessation of activities in them.

We urge the Minister of Education to act by taking these aspects into consideration, to reschedule the school year to recover what lost and to prevent further loss of school days.

We urge the President to be the main guarantor of the right to education of our sons and daughters

Network For Mothers, Fathers and Representatives, Lila Vega


for the National Federation of Societies of Parent Representatives, Alexis Ramirez


And the House Arturo Uslar Pietri, Antonio Ecarri Angola



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