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Fenasopadres candidates: 20 points for education postponed

Societies The National Federation of Parents and Representatives (Fenasopadres) asked all candidates for governors, mayors and other candidates to support the 20 proposals postponed to demand "the reality of education, in order to ensure educational management of excellence. "

Among the items included" ensuring free education, democracy, compulsory and quality in municipal and state schools, under the most zealous respect to all currents of thought. Teaching without pluralism does not deserve to be honored with that name. "

also asked candidates to give priority to investment in education and ensure that" local and state school education is the responsibility of persons of recognized morality and proven academic qualifications. "

Then the statement FENASOPADRES.


Parents and representatives, voters in the most varied thoughts, united by a common concern to ensure our children a free education, democracy and for all who aspire to communicate to decide on municipal and state policies, the 20 proposals that demand postponed the educational reality, in order to ensure educational excellence management. ONE

. Ensure education, free, democratic, compulsory and quality in municipal and state schools, under the most zealous respect for all currents of thought. Teaching without pluralism does not deserve to be honored with that name.

DOS. Prioritize investment in education. Should flow to educational institutions, to provide them with financial, material and human ensure that children and young people's access, retention and completion of the educational process. THREE

. Ensure that municipal and state schools is education by persons of recognized morality and proven academic qualifications. FOUR

. Strengthen the stability of teachers based on schemes of work and living standards in line with the high responsibilities weighing on their shoulders in civic education. Entry and promotion in the teaching profession must adhere strictly to criteria of merit, without partisan interference or nonacademic. FIVE

. Incorporate the private sector construction and maintenance of facilities, inside and outside the schools, to practice sports and recreational activities as a key element of the comprehensive education of our children and youth. The teaching of physical education should be compulsory at all levels and modalities within the ideal training of the human being, without prejudice to support the highly competitive sport in educational institutions. SIX

. Develop a dense and urgent program to the creation of nursery, preschool, schools and high schools and regional. SEVEN

. Guarantee the right of parents to choose kind of education that their children will receive as part of a quality education without exclusion or discrimination. EIGHT

. Immediately make the diagnosis and inventory of the schools in their respective jurisdictions, in order to meet the terms of the physical plant, furniture and material resources that must be the premises for the immediate preparation and recovery plan maintenance . To provide depth, richness and breadth to the planning tool should work on brotherly cooperation with educational communities, also provide useful insights arising from its proximity to the educational event, will lend their valuable support in obtaining rapid and realistic adequate empirical basis

NINE. Ensure the implementation of a quality management model in education that permits evaluation and continuous improvement of the teaching in educational institutions, evolve and adapt to the challenges imposed an increasingly globalized society. Be guaranteed first and foremost that the projects are marked by the values \u200b\u200binherent in respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, ethics and morality, peace, solidarity, tolerance, and effective equality of opportunities. TEN

. Do not sacrifice the content of teaching on behalf of an education system accessible to everyone. Within this curriculum guidance for municipal and state educational institutions not only be proposed in the framework of democracy, that no child or young person is attending school outside of teaching, but also to receive a quality education, humanities and science promote the development of projects that are marked by the values \u200b\u200binherent in respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, ethics and morality, peace, solidarity, tolerance, and effective equality of opportunities.

ONCE. Stimulate and promote active and decisive participation of parents and guardians in the educational communities of the municipality and the state through the creation, strengthening and constant training of the Parent Company Representatives. TWELVE

. Convert municipal schools and state centers of excellence for the creative use of leisure and promoters of social and professional integration of students. Centers Finally, exercise training and not worth humiliating a profession, or for further studies. THIRTEEN

. Developing and promoting pluralistic and non-discriminatory concept in the field of education, to the various cultural emporiums. Foster, with the cessation of discrimination, a dynamic integrated capable of taking the cultural, linguistic and geographical environment as enshrined in the Constitution. FOURTEEN

. Involve parents and guardians, students and their associations in the design of educational management. FIFTEEN

. Propose the adoption of laws and local rules dictate overall impact to ensure educational communities a voice in the design and development of public policies in the territory of its jurisdiction

SIXTEEN. Require compliance social responsibility of private entities, businesses, schools, universities and other corporations related to the educational work through agreements and programs promoted by the governor and mayor, all the benefit of children and young students of municipal and state schools . SEVENTEEN

. Develop, in conjunction with the educational community, universities, civil associations and private organizations, programs to prevent school dropout and exclusion

EIGHTEEN. Release in the first half of the municipal census management and / or State which show school enrollment rates, dropout and exclusion of the population under 18, and present during the school year 2009/2010 the full education program. NINETEEN

. Sign agreements with community colleges for updating and professional improvement of teachers in their jurisdiction. TWENTY

. Create incentives for school communities, teachers, students, civic associations, private companies and universities to stimulate research and development in improving the quality of schools and colleges of the city and state.


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